Students For Sensible Drug Policy Announces $100,000 Match Campaign

WASHINGTON, D.C. – December 18, 2019 /AxisWire/ – Several leaders of the cannabis industry are announcing the second annual Cannabis Challenge Campaign with a pledge to match up to $100,000 of donations made to Students for Sensible Drug Policy before the end of the year. 4Front Ventures, Troy Dayton and the Arcview Group, Green Lion Partners, Green Thumb Industries, Greenbridge Corporate Counsel, and Grove Bags are longtime, significant SSDP supporters who hope their generosity will inspire others to support young people and students dedicating their lives to safer, more just approaches to drug policy. Both 4Front (OTCMKTS: FFNTF) and Green Thumb Industries (OTCMKTS: GTBIF) are public multi-state cannabis operators.
“It is crucial for companies in the cannabis industry to support social advocacy efforts, and supporting SSDP offers a tremendous way to do that. SSDP truly changes and saves lives, and they do so while being efficient and transparent with donor funds. Seeing how they invigorate students to create change is inspiring. I am honored to work with them,” said Jeffrey M. Zucker, President of Green Lion Partners.
“4Front is proud to support SSDP’s year-end Cannabis Challenge. SSDP has a long history of accomplishing big things with limited resources. With 2020 shaping up to be the biggest year ever for marijuana policy reform, it is critical that SSDP be well-funded to help provide important support for voter education and turnout campaigns in the coming year. We hope others in the industry will join us in supporting SSDP’s critically important work.” — Kris Krane, President, 4Front Ventures
SSDP uses grassroots organizing strategies and centers young voices in the growing conversation about cannabis legalization and broader drug policy reforms. They have been working to reform cannabis laws since 1998 and have been building future leaders in policy reform, direct service, the cannabis industry, and many other related fields.
“We are proud to support the important work of Students for Sensible Drug Policy, an organization that has empowered young people to advocate for safer and more just drug policies for more than two decades. SSDP’s powerful grassroots movement, nationwide educational campaigns, and political activism are helping bring about an end to the War on Drugs.” – Dina Rollman, Senior Vice President of Government & Regulatory Affairs, GTI.
About Students for Sensible Drug Policy
Students for Sensible Drug Policy is an international grassroots network of over 5,000 students and young people in 34 countries united to create a more sensible future. We are replacing the counterproductive War on Drugs and the human rights violations it perpetuates with policies rooted in justice, safety, and education.
We mobilize young people to engage in the political process and educate our peers, building a movement that respects the dignity of young people and other communities targeted through drug prohibition.