Green Market Report Publishes Exclusive Winter Punch Antilles du Saka By Warren Bobrow

Napa Valley – January 1, 2020 /AxisWire/ Today the Green Market Report released an exclusive recipe created by cannabis cocktail master Warren Bobrow called the “Winter Punch Antilles du Saka” for New Year’s Day. This delicious recipe includes the luxury cannabis infused beverages, also known as a Vinfusion™ (cannabis infused wine), Saka Pink by House of Saka. You can find the full articles and recipe at
Grilled orange slices
About House of Saka:
Based in Napa Valley, California, House of Saka creates and manufactures infused luxury products by and for women. Their portfolio includes the Napa Valley-inspired, alcohol-free infused beverages: Saka Pink, Saka White, and Saka Red as well as a line of infused beauty and wellness products under the banner House of Saka Beauty. The company boasts an all-female leadership team guided by an all-female advisory board with over 100 years of collective experience in wine, cannabis and luxury branding. For more information, please visit or follow us on social media @InfusedSaka and @InfusedLuxury.